All Wood was Once Trees Living in a Forest

ON BEING A TREE | Multi channel Sound installation
Year: 2023
On Being a Tree artistically portrays the relationship between wood and tree and the fact that all the wood we surround ourselves with was once living trees in a forest.
The version made for Akustikreservatet was dedicated to perhaps Sweden’s most common type of wood: the pine tree.
From a number of formations of sawdust placed around a large pine tree at the exhibition site, the attentive visitor could experience a quietly changing, shifting soundscape consisting of sound fragments linked to the pine’s life from tree to wood. A forest at night, a summer rain, music instruments of wood, land clearing, pulp production, sounds from everyday wooden objects. In the work On Being a Tree, sound memories were juxtaposed to make the relationship between wood and tree, culture and nature, human and more-than-human audible, in order to briefly merge through the work.
COMMISSIONER: Grafikverkstan Godsmagasinet Uttersberg, Resurscentrum för Konst, Region Västmanland
CURATOR&PRODUCER: Lina Nordenström

Multi-channel Sound installation
Sawdust, loudspeakers, loudspeaker cable, sound.
Year: 2023
A previous version of On Being a Tree, was developec for the old woodsculpture workshop PJ Carlsson’s Bildhuggeri in Tranås.
Small, recorded sounds from the processing of wood. Sounds from a forest. The recorded ambience from the old woodsculpture workshop PJ Carlsson’s Bildhuggeri in Tranås. Everything cowered with sawdust.
The work becomes a sonic link between places and worlds, forming its own world.
KULTIVERA International Artist Residency Program Tranås, Sweden.
Curator: Seher Uysal.
Ekensbergs Museum, Tranås, Sweden.