Permanent sound installation
Hôtel de Marle | Swedish Institute in Paris.
Year: 2014

The well brings to life a forgotten part of the site's history and provides an artistic interface between the site's history and its present.

The Well is a site-specific sound installation developed for the garden of the Swedish Institute in Paris. The work’s sound material is based on the names of people connected to the place from the 16th century to the present. The sound material is compiled into an aleatoric vital live patch comprising hundreds of names. The work is located in a dried-out well in the centre of the garden. From the well emanates a low-voiced sound texture based on the names that, through the aleatoric real-time process, themselves undergo a transformation that seeks to create a link between past and present.

Commissioner: Public Art Agency Sweden.
Curator: Ann Magnusson, AM Public.
Software developer: Andre Bartetzki.
Technical concept and realization: Manfred Fox.
Voices: Astrid Bayiha, Amaya Lainez, Yana Maizel, Mathieu Saccucci, Olivier Hahn, and Emmanuel Gautier.

The well. From top and below

Overview of the garden

Detail. Names

Recording process

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